We produce the best products with distinctive technology and selected quality.

(주)아이씨푸드 B2C
Total 4건 1 페이지
  • 4
    Hyomoro Kimchi Mashing Sauce

    Make Kimchi in 3 minutes, golden ratio of sticky rice paste, apple concentrated juice, and vegetable stock yeast extract, Make all kimchi so easily! All kimchi is made at once, Vegan certified, Vegetarians can eat with no worries

    작성자 최고관리자
    조회 745 작성일 10-20
  • 3
    Hyomoro Preserve Sauce

    All-round soy sauce! Brewed soy sauce base! Golden ratio of brewed soy sauce + nectar + vegetable stock for rich body taste! Vegan certified, Vegetarians can eat with no worries

    작성자 최고관리자
    조회 668 작성일 10-20
  • 2
    Hyomoro Cooking Broth

    Basic broth for any soup! When you want to add 2% for taste! Harmony with body taste! Yeast extract! Healthy and safe cooking base, Contains more than 18 flavor ingredients, including amino acids such as beef stock, Vegan Certified, Vegetarians can eat with no worries

    작성자 최고관리자
    조회 646 작성일 10-20
  • 1
    Hyomoro Cooking Broth Powder

    Simple, Just 1 pack for dish for 2~4 people, Make seasoned vegetables in 3 minutes! Simple way of making seasoned vegetables! Level UP of cooking that needs a body taste! For soup, stew, stir-frying, and seasoning etc., Vegan certified, Vegetarians can eat with no worries

    작성자 최고관리자
    조회 644 작성일 10-20
게시물 검색
이용약관 개인정보처리방침 이메일무단수집거부
Address: No. 602, 87, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (479-8, Gungdong, Fine Building)
Working hours: Monday-Friday 09:00-18:00 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays)
Head office: +82-42-825-6460 Sales Office: +82-42-826-6264 Laboratory: +82-44-864-6268 Fax: +82-44-864-6260

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Copyright © ICFOOD Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.