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(주)아이씨푸드 자유게시판

10 Double-Ended Dildos Techniques All Experts Recommend

페이지 정보

작성자 Damon 댓글댓글 0건 조회조회 6회 작성일작성일 24-06-02 02:48


xSilicone-double-end-dildo-768x768.webp.pagespeed.ic.zMT86i8ldU.webpDouble Ended Drildos

Double ended dildos are the most popular kinky sex toys for couples who wish to test their simultaneous sexual penetration. Gay and lesbian couples especially enjoy using silicone double-headed dos for pleasure sharing as well as anal play.

The majority of dildos have realistic penis heads that are designed to enter the vagina and anus in DP penetration. They can be shaped in a flexible way or rigid.


Double diddy dos are sex toys that offer the same sexual pleasure as other sex toys however, they come with two heads to offer more stimulation and penetration. These sex toys are usually designed with couples in mind, as they can be played with by female or male partners either sexually or vaginally. They are also popular with gay couples and lesbians who like to play together.

Some dildos double have shapes as penises, which allows for double penetration or reversal of roles play between a male and female and others have a head that fits into the anal region and an extra head that can be put into the vagina. Some dildos are stiffer and more akin to a wand than a traditional dildo with a handle that allows for greater control.

The dildos can be bent into a U-shape, which allows for anal penetration or a rigid "C" shape to reach areas that are more difficult to reach such as the gspot or prostate. They are also perfect for clitoral stimulations and can be used either with or without lubricant.

There are also strap-on Dildos, which are worn on your body, leaving your hands free to explore the clitoris and ass. They can be worn by women to massage the anal area or by men to provide a deep internal massage.


It is important to take into account the comfort and preferences of your partner when using a dildo, regardless of whether you're performing the act alone or with a partner. For instance, a friend might prefer a more stiff shaft for a more intense experience, or a lighter jelly-like material that allows for the gradual entry.

A double-ended dildo can be one of the most loved couples' sex toys because it lets both partners feel a sense of penetration at the same time. It's commonly used by lesbian partners in dom-sub relationships, however, it can also be used by heterosexual couples exploring the possibilities of kinkplay. This kind of dildo permits women to get deeper into the male sexuality, and provide a more adventurous experience.

Spencer's double dildo options include an array of materials and textures to suit your desires and preferences. Select from silicone dildos that are flexible like Cyberskin, rubber, and Cyberskin as well as rigid plastic dildos that include the Magic Stick, Ruse, and Ruse models. All of these dildos non-porous, which means you can use any oil without worrying about bacteria getting into the shaft.

The soft silicone dildos can also be used as hand-play toys. The more rigid plastic models however have a texture that is more solid. You can test a variety of positions with these toys including the missionary position and doggy-style inserting. To avoid discomfort or pain, Double Ended Dildos make sure to be in contact with your partner throughout your session.


Double ended dildos are fun for those who want to explore deeper penetration. They're also ideal for couples who want to experiment with new things and some models even have vibration capabilities to make the experience even more appealing.

Although a double-best doubled ended dildo dildo can feel more realistic than other kinds of toys, it's important to be mindful of safety. It is recommended that you apply lubricant both before and after inserting, especially when working with a companion. The lubricant will ease the insertion process and make an exciting experience. It is recommended that if using a silicone toy, you choose a lubricant that is water-based. This will prevent the material from getting damaged.

Based on the material of the toy, it's necessary to clean it regularly with antibacterial soap. Double-ended dildos constructed of soft skin or jelly need to be cleaned with care by hand. Be careful around the realistic veins and the head of the penis. When the toy is dry, it's important to inspect it for cuts or cracks before reusing it.

Most double dildos come with a waterproof coating that is safe for the body. However, some are coated in oil or wax. These are usually completed by small crafters and must be rinsed and wiped down regularly to keep them safe. It's also a good idea to inspect wooden toys for cracks or black spots (which could indicate mildew or mold) before each use, and ensure they're completely dry prior to storage.


It's always important to be cautious when handling any sexual toy, particularly when it's used with multiple holes. It is vital to ensure that the dildo is clean and sanitized before and after use. If you're using the dildo for anal penetration, it is essential to ensure that there's enough lubricant and that the anal part of the dildo doesn't get overly pushed.

Make sure that the double dildos are made of body-safe substances. They should not contain phthalates that are harmful, or jelly rubber, PVC or vinyl. These materials are porous and may be home to bacteria, which could cause infections in the vagina or anus.

x33-cm-Double-Dildo-768x768.webp.pagespeed.ic.EBEXyjKDpn.webpbest double ended dildos dildos are sex toys that allow two people to enjoy vaginal and anal penetration simultaneously. They are designed to appear like two penises of different sizes or they can be soft silicone models that are flexible and curves. They can also be offered in strap-on or harnessed varieties that allow them to be worn in many different positions. This type of dildo can be used by heterosexual couples that want to explore anal penetration. It can be used in the anal canal or vagina, as well as the rectum.
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